Now thank we all our God
Now Thank We All Our God
Verse 1
Now thank we all our God
With heart and hands and voices
For wonders He has done
In whom we now rejoice
Who from our Mothers' arms
Poured blessing on life's journey
With countless gifts of love
And still is ours today
Now thank we all our God
Now thank we all our God
Verse 2
O may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer
Held safe within His grace
And guided by His goodness
He frees us from our ills
In this world and the next
Verse 3
All praise and thank to God
The Father now be given
The Son and Him who reigns
With them in highest heav'n
The One eternal God
Who saints and angels all adore
So faithful to the end
And shall be ever more
CCLI Song # 7096779
Catherine Winkworth | Colin Webster | Martin Rinkart
© 2017 Colin Webster Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Now Thank We All Our God
Verse 1
Now thank we all our God
With heart and hands and voices
For wonders He has done
In whom we now rejoice
Who from our Mothers' arms
Poured blessing on life's journey
With countless gifts of love
And still is ours today
Now thank we all our God
Now thank we all our God
Verse 2
O may this bounteous God
Through all our life be near us
With ever joyful hearts
And blessed peace to cheer
Held safe within His grace
And guided by His goodness
He frees us from our ills
In this world and the next
Verse 3
All praise and thank to God
The Father now be given
The Son and Him who reigns
With them in highest heav'n
The One eternal God
Who saints and angels all adore
So faithful to the end
And shall be ever more
CCLI Song # 7096779
Catherine Winkworth | Colin Webster | Martin Rinkart
© 2017 Colin Webster Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions