Hope for Easter CD
Hope for Easter has been a fantastic project and already we are hearing stories of how people who have given the CD as a gift to unchurched friends have heard encouragements from those who have listened to it. This has been a great bridging tool to open up further conversations with seekers.
The songs on the album are a great ongoing resource for your churches to use throughout the year too and we have made the lead sheets and chord charts freely available on our website in the songs tab.
You might still be able to get a copy of the CD here if stock is available.
The songs on the album are a great ongoing resource for your churches to use throughout the year too and we have made the lead sheets and chord charts freely available on our website in the songs tab.
You might still be able to get a copy of the CD here if stock is available.

The 2019 live worship album from the Keswick Convention, features three of our latest songs. and can be ordered here it's also available on iTunes and Spotify
Songs Sung at the 2019 Leaders Conference in Torquay
O Lord my God (How great though art) O praise the name of the Lord our God Come praise and glorify our God (Sovereign Grace) For the cause (Getty/Townend) Amazing Grace (Auld lang syne) (Newton/Webster) Bless the Lord O my soul (10,000 reasons) O great God of highest heaven (Sovereign Grace) Eternal Father gracious king (Chester/Moore/Slee) Behold our God (Sovereign Grace) Faithful one so unchanging We have an anchor (Moore/Webster) Yet not I but through Christ in me (City Alight) All creatures of our God and king (Sovereign Grace) Before the throne of God (Charitie Lees Bancroft, Vikki Cook) O for a closer walk with God (Cowper/Webster) By Faith our fathers walked the earth (Getty/Townend) Come thou fount of every blessing O church arise (Getty/Townend) There is a fountain filled with blood We had an enjoyable time recording 4 new songs which we hope to release soon. Our thanks to folks who came from Sheffield, Derby, Nottingham and Cambridge amongst other places, in order to form a small congregation. Special thanks to all the musicians and to the tech team at Cornerstone church for suggesting this idea. You guys were amazing! Photo courtesy of Fong
We had a great turn out for the Music Ministry Day conference hosted at Cornerstone church with well over 200 Musicians, pastors and PA folks from all over the Midlands from Birmingham, Lincoln, Derby, Leicester and Sheffield attending. The theme of the conference was 'Sining with joy through life'. The highlight was having our hearts and minds stretched and encouraged by Paul Mallard as he unpacked psalm 66 in the morning and then gave Biblical precedence to why we sing in the afternoon session. Adrian Reynolds one of the directors for the FIEC gave our opening meditation on Revelation on Christ being everything in our worship. There were engaging and practical seminars from Ben Slee, Matt Dennis, Dan Johnson, Andy Fenton, and Michael Tinker as well as Phil and myself. We have received encouraging comments and emails from folks who told us of how much they enjoyed the day. We hope to be able to host another music ministry conference in future years.
List of the songs we use in week 1 of Keswick Convention 2019
All creatures of our God and king (sovereign grace version):https://open.spotify.com/track/673vWJJ7UZC1twPDvrL9Tp?si=4YszHmf7SbKeDYPwV7qnJQ
All I once held dear (Knowing you Jesus)
All my days (beautiful saviour)
All hail the power of Jesus name
And can it be https://open.spotify.com/track/6x96WhZauAP5ldHghHYQyW?si=Hn1JtAETTLaimPZ_4Y01QA
Be thou my vision: https://open.spotify.com/track/75EU1ZM8ay48KcfFXmJpGs?si=Kr7B7lppRcepqI00c8kruQ
Before the throne of God above: https://open.spotify.com/track/2MSvpoa39cMwFasCBBxIAr?si=N80InNJgRAGJUl9h7du_SQ
Behold our God: https://open.spotify.com/track/2QZano3GYBs5SW7YR9JHj5?si=f5jLtJouQOydqjfDSKF55w
Bless the Lord O my soul: https://open.spotify.com/track/1i5H5OPEndPwkqm8usADYZ?si=jaJFSQrCS92ZDhT6fldBqQ
By Faith – https://open.spotify.com/track/54cI1CFz7vNG21c6OOIiox?si=y8zEOK-UTTyq8ZFD909GvQ
Cornerstone (my hope is built on nothing less): https://open.spotify.com/track/3nXUFjAk35WqXjfG9GUTmf?si=CWhoJZ2qRiK7P8FDsZLYwg
Come praise and glorify our Godhttps://open.spotify.com/track/0m61Tz0ppmaBbogwmzxawn?si=vwRPSMJqR8OFhshM155wZg
Come people of the risen king https://open.spotify.com/track/1fwZy6G1NvLcZktPuvEZL0?si=gYkOK0PrQMSqxWnq_3ElEQ
Come thou fount of every blessing: https://open.spotify.com/track/0oyytzMi7zCqJmkf5ogGAF?si=zzrpyUGxSg6Nq3k29IRaJw
Everyone needs compassion (saviour he can move the mountains)
Facing a task unfinished (we go to all the world): https://open.spotify.com/track/0731RgSp9DPofRfg62NBrh?si=07pJPSAYSDGUrhGE6-DWhg
For the cause: https://open.spotify.com/track/38OxAtfHvS7gl6KqzIWp3n?si=PBsr9AqgQmGnzdbTnGjoEQ
Hear the call of the kingdom: https://open.spotify.com/track/498FgJAvq0G3AJdGax1vk7?si=Dh9n5MNURMGLsEqZCN0Fzg
Here is love vast as the ocean
How lovely is your dwelling place: https://open.spotify.com/track/3uxOVY4kYgfTmr5vhYGpmL?si=br0ShH-FS4mz_gfw_EN94A
In Christ alone: https://open.spotify.com/track/6MHZeKB4fxmWEWwsQRbcLR?si=-ZQ0WkB5SyWdHxdA2WlYIw
Lord in your mercy: Moore/Chester/Slee
Man of sorrows: https://open.spotify.com/track/4IEsMBjh6M0kYH1Jx30ek6?si=6THZgdpkSz60xHskzwfXZA
May the peoples praise you: https://open.spotify.com/track/67N6wDjeDtPtI3RDAK37ON?si=RG7VxXd1QgOBmq2mVLFJnQ
O for a closer walk with God. Colin Webster | Hugh Wilson | William Cowper
O great God of highest heaven:https://open.spotify.com/track/2niFVganBaGg0ZDvo1bjVs?si=lkd80QK5QKyXI1bsU7aRQw
Only a Holy God: https://open.spotify.com/track/6VtdWaBrPqG0NuxdjogzrM?si=kk3dKBFeQ56TEgiDMFtoBA
O church arise
O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder https://open.spotify.com/track/7Gb4Pfl2ispch2AG6s5DWg?si=XHMrt_EoS-mXhDxRylrnfQ
OLord my rock and my redeemer
O Praise the name (Anestasus): https://open.spotify.com/track/4Y0rEKG2GQqcEtMl9EUlny?si=_iXN0bjsRZ6nzqnLdF_lQQ
Speak O Lord as we come to you
Strength will rise: https://open.spotify.com/track/5spTRi2vTw0KxcIycqVTCl?si=fmhomt3vQfyczm0Qb0LWsw
There is power in the blood (Hymn): https://open.spotify.com/track/3qPdzZuYyL4ZTg5f63c1EB?si=mMmZ8C6FRJy8t_cs1kqG7A
There is a higher throne
The longing of my soul (BBC solo piece) Colin Webster
This I know with all my heart: Colin Webster
We have an anchor https://open.spotify.com/track/3CS2Xewt3bFOSvspVmqyiE?si=5Frp4gXPQ7K8q8i7vufeog
We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) https://open.spotify.com/track/5P5xR103n5mU4ZDZ1ON4Eb?si=01SawFR4TdqQtIarw62wTQ
What can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus (Hymn)
When I was lost you came and rescued me: https://open.spotify.com/track/0u7rGb6O3Fez9BD2jOeA4Q?si=1fA-3gIPT-CfT5LgS6jzUA
Who O Lord could save themselves https://open.spotify.com/track/45IaE4rA4pA8qooURkOKVu?si=RL2sxXqvQmyqzsd1jabbqA
You’re the word of God the Father:https://open.spotify.com/track/7G0gznou2qdAiTVCHs4OWa?si=Rvmh4wxORPiNT0PSEA_AHA
You are my all in all
Yet not I but through Christ in me : City Alight
All creatures of our God and king (sovereign grace version):https://open.spotify.com/track/673vWJJ7UZC1twPDvrL9Tp?si=4YszHmf7SbKeDYPwV7qnJQ
All I once held dear (Knowing you Jesus)
All my days (beautiful saviour)
All hail the power of Jesus name
And can it be https://open.spotify.com/track/6x96WhZauAP5ldHghHYQyW?si=Hn1JtAETTLaimPZ_4Y01QA
Be thou my vision: https://open.spotify.com/track/75EU1ZM8ay48KcfFXmJpGs?si=Kr7B7lppRcepqI00c8kruQ
Before the throne of God above: https://open.spotify.com/track/2MSvpoa39cMwFasCBBxIAr?si=N80InNJgRAGJUl9h7du_SQ
Behold our God: https://open.spotify.com/track/2QZano3GYBs5SW7YR9JHj5?si=f5jLtJouQOydqjfDSKF55w
Bless the Lord O my soul: https://open.spotify.com/track/1i5H5OPEndPwkqm8usADYZ?si=jaJFSQrCS92ZDhT6fldBqQ
By Faith – https://open.spotify.com/track/54cI1CFz7vNG21c6OOIiox?si=y8zEOK-UTTyq8ZFD909GvQ
Cornerstone (my hope is built on nothing less): https://open.spotify.com/track/3nXUFjAk35WqXjfG9GUTmf?si=CWhoJZ2qRiK7P8FDsZLYwg
Come praise and glorify our Godhttps://open.spotify.com/track/0m61Tz0ppmaBbogwmzxawn?si=vwRPSMJqR8OFhshM155wZg
Come people of the risen king https://open.spotify.com/track/1fwZy6G1NvLcZktPuvEZL0?si=gYkOK0PrQMSqxWnq_3ElEQ
Come thou fount of every blessing: https://open.spotify.com/track/0oyytzMi7zCqJmkf5ogGAF?si=zzrpyUGxSg6Nq3k29IRaJw
Everyone needs compassion (saviour he can move the mountains)
Facing a task unfinished (we go to all the world): https://open.spotify.com/track/0731RgSp9DPofRfg62NBrh?si=07pJPSAYSDGUrhGE6-DWhg
For the cause: https://open.spotify.com/track/38OxAtfHvS7gl6KqzIWp3n?si=PBsr9AqgQmGnzdbTnGjoEQ
Hear the call of the kingdom: https://open.spotify.com/track/498FgJAvq0G3AJdGax1vk7?si=Dh9n5MNURMGLsEqZCN0Fzg
Here is love vast as the ocean
How lovely is your dwelling place: https://open.spotify.com/track/3uxOVY4kYgfTmr5vhYGpmL?si=br0ShH-FS4mz_gfw_EN94A
In Christ alone: https://open.spotify.com/track/6MHZeKB4fxmWEWwsQRbcLR?si=-ZQ0WkB5SyWdHxdA2WlYIw
Lord in your mercy: Moore/Chester/Slee
Man of sorrows: https://open.spotify.com/track/4IEsMBjh6M0kYH1Jx30ek6?si=6THZgdpkSz60xHskzwfXZA
May the peoples praise you: https://open.spotify.com/track/67N6wDjeDtPtI3RDAK37ON?si=RG7VxXd1QgOBmq2mVLFJnQ
O for a closer walk with God. Colin Webster | Hugh Wilson | William Cowper
O great God of highest heaven:https://open.spotify.com/track/2niFVganBaGg0ZDvo1bjVs?si=lkd80QK5QKyXI1bsU7aRQw
Only a Holy God: https://open.spotify.com/track/6VtdWaBrPqG0NuxdjogzrM?si=kk3dKBFeQ56TEgiDMFtoBA
O church arise
O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder https://open.spotify.com/track/7Gb4Pfl2ispch2AG6s5DWg?si=XHMrt_EoS-mXhDxRylrnfQ
OLord my rock and my redeemer
O Praise the name (Anestasus): https://open.spotify.com/track/4Y0rEKG2GQqcEtMl9EUlny?si=_iXN0bjsRZ6nzqnLdF_lQQ
Speak O Lord as we come to you
Strength will rise: https://open.spotify.com/track/5spTRi2vTw0KxcIycqVTCl?si=fmhomt3vQfyczm0Qb0LWsw
There is power in the blood (Hymn): https://open.spotify.com/track/3qPdzZuYyL4ZTg5f63c1EB?si=mMmZ8C6FRJy8t_cs1kqG7A
There is a higher throne
The longing of my soul (BBC solo piece) Colin Webster
This I know with all my heart: Colin Webster
We have an anchor https://open.spotify.com/track/3CS2Xewt3bFOSvspVmqyiE?si=5Frp4gXPQ7K8q8i7vufeog
We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) https://open.spotify.com/track/5P5xR103n5mU4ZDZ1ON4Eb?si=01SawFR4TdqQtIarw62wTQ
What can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus (Hymn)
When I was lost you came and rescued me: https://open.spotify.com/track/0u7rGb6O3Fez9BD2jOeA4Q?si=1fA-3gIPT-CfT5LgS6jzUA
Who O Lord could save themselves https://open.spotify.com/track/45IaE4rA4pA8qooURkOKVu?si=RL2sxXqvQmyqzsd1jabbqA
You’re the word of God the Father:https://open.spotify.com/track/7G0gznou2qdAiTVCHs4OWa?si=Rvmh4wxORPiNT0PSEA_AHA
You are my all in all
Yet not I but through Christ in me : City Alight
Free Sheet Music of our new song "See Jesus Stripped of Majesty" is available by clicking here . The song was co-written with Tim Chester and features in his new book The Beauty of the cross which is a superb devotional for Lent.
This is a powerful song to introduce to your church during the lead up to Easter as it focuses on the words of Isaiah 53. This song works well for communion either as a reflective feature song, or as a congregational song. Listen to the song here on apple music. Or on Spotify by typing in "keswick' in the search engine |
Remembrance Hymn - how to use the song in your service
This year's Remembrance Service is particularly special. For it marks exactly 100 years to the day, since the end of the First World War. It was supposed to have been the war that ended all wars, but sadly, we are all too aware that conflicts and brutal wars still rage in many parts of our fallen world. Services of Remembrance are solemn times for the living to show gratitude and respect for those who have laid down their lives trying to bring peace.
We hope this song with brilliantly crafted lyrics by Tim Chester, will reflect not only the solemnity of the moment, but also the Christian hope that points to Christ, the Prince of Peace who laid down his life in order to one day put a final end to all pain and suffering.
This hymn can be used congregationally, and we recommend that if you choose to use it in this way then it might be worth teaching it a week in advance so the congregation can pick it up. A few helpful tips might help with this. You could for example send a link to the song a week or two in advance from our website via your emailed notices (or put the website link in your notice sheet) so that people can listen in advance and be better prepared to sing it . Or you could play the song as a MP3 or as a band at the close of a service so that folks hear it.
You might choose to use the song as a reflective solo piece in your remembrance service. If you have a music team and a singer then they might play the song live and you could use our power point with the words as a backdrop (which is actually helpful for those who can’t always hear the words that are being sung).
Of course you can always use the lyrics video that we have put together and just play that with our arrangement and band playing. We deliberately used a stripped back band of just a Cello, Piano, Guitar and Vocal to keep it simple. Incidentally, the soloist on our recording is the very talented Kathryn Doerr (just in case anyone asks).
However you use this song, we trust that it will be a ministering tool for blessing and encouragement, assisting your congregation to reflect and remember those who gave their lives for peace. But also remembering the eternal hope and final peace that Christ will one day usher in.
This year's Remembrance Service is particularly special. For it marks exactly 100 years to the day, since the end of the First World War. It was supposed to have been the war that ended all wars, but sadly, we are all too aware that conflicts and brutal wars still rage in many parts of our fallen world. Services of Remembrance are solemn times for the living to show gratitude and respect for those who have laid down their lives trying to bring peace.
We hope this song with brilliantly crafted lyrics by Tim Chester, will reflect not only the solemnity of the moment, but also the Christian hope that points to Christ, the Prince of Peace who laid down his life in order to one day put a final end to all pain and suffering.
This hymn can be used congregationally, and we recommend that if you choose to use it in this way then it might be worth teaching it a week in advance so the congregation can pick it up. A few helpful tips might help with this. You could for example send a link to the song a week or two in advance from our website via your emailed notices (or put the website link in your notice sheet) so that people can listen in advance and be better prepared to sing it . Or you could play the song as a MP3 or as a band at the close of a service so that folks hear it.
You might choose to use the song as a reflective solo piece in your remembrance service. If you have a music team and a singer then they might play the song live and you could use our power point with the words as a backdrop (which is actually helpful for those who can’t always hear the words that are being sung).
Of course you can always use the lyrics video that we have put together and just play that with our arrangement and band playing. We deliberately used a stripped back band of just a Cello, Piano, Guitar and Vocal to keep it simple. Incidentally, the soloist on our recording is the very talented Kathryn Doerr (just in case anyone asks).
However you use this song, we trust that it will be a ministering tool for blessing and encouragement, assisting your congregation to reflect and remember those who gave their lives for peace. But also remembering the eternal hope and final peace that Christ will one day usher in.
Here is an alphabetical list of all the songs we used in week 1 of the Keswick Convention 2018
All creatures of our God and king (sov grace version):https://open.spotify.com/track/673vWJJ7UZC1twPDvrL9Tp?si=4YszHmf7SbKeDYPwV7qnJQ
Amazing Grace (Auld Lang Syne)https://youtu.be/BxsF6lArT-U
And can it be https://open.spotify.com/track/6x96WhZauAP5ldHghHYQyW?si=Hn1JtAETTLaimPZ_4Y01QA
Awake, Awake o Zion: https://open.spotify.com/track/6G673qEEf4DWPZVo05Cdac?si=hp9vpOYqQcmaD3FEEjKvNA
Be thou my vision: https://open.spotify.com/track/75EU1ZM8ay48KcfFXmJpGs?si=Kr7B7lppRcepqI00c8kruQ
Before the throne of God above: https://open.spotify.com/track/2MSvpoa39cMwFasCBBxIAr?si=N80InNJgRAGJUl9h7du_SQ
Behold our God: https://open.spotify.com/track/2QZano3GYBs5SW7YR9JHj5?si=f5jLtJouQOydqjfDSKF55w
Bless the Lord O my soul: https://open.spotify.com/track/1i5H5OPEndPwkqm8usADYZ?si=jaJFSQrCS92ZDhT6fldBqQ
By Faith – Getty: https://open.spotify.com/track/54cI1CFz7vNG21c6OOIiox?si=y8zEOK-UTTyq8ZFD909GvQ
Cornerstone (my hope is built on nothing less): https://open.spotify.com/track/3nXUFjAk35WqXjfG9GUTmf?si=CWhoJZ2qRiK7P8FDsZLYwg
Come behold the wondrous mystery: https://youtu.be/C-hD4VEoVQs
Come people of the risen kinghttps://open.spotify.com/track/1fwZy6G1NvLcZktPuvEZL0?si=gYkOK0PrQMSqxWnq_3ElEQ
Everyone needs compassion (saviour he can move the mountains)
Facing a task unfinished (we go to all the world): https://open.spotify.com/track/0731RgSp9DPofRfg62NBrh?si=07pJPSAYSDGUrhGE6-DWhg
Hear the call of the kingdom: https://open.spotify.com/track/498FgJAvq0G3AJdGax1vk7?si=Dh9n5MNURMGLsEqZCN0Fzg
His mercy is more: https://open.spotify.com/track/3wHhe15AWHafWDRUXIOJUp?si=VMLkn9yOSI-8l9nXAR2lUg
I will offer up my life
In Christ alone: https://open.spotify.com/track/6MHZeKB4fxmWEWwsQRbcLR?si=-ZQ0WkB5SyWdHxdA2WlYIw
Love divine all loves excelling (Hymn)
Man of sorrows: https://open.spotify.com/track/4IEsMBjh6M0kYH1Jx30ek6?si=6THZgdpkSz60xHskzwfXZA
May the peoples praise you: https://open.spotify.com/track/67N6wDjeDtPtI3RDAK37ON?si=RG7VxXd1QgOBmq2mVLFJnQ
My Jesus, my saviour
O great God of highest heaven:https://open.spotify.com/track/2niFVganBaGg0ZDvo1bjVs?si=lkd80QK5QKyXI1bsU7aRQw
Only a Holy God: https://open.spotify.com/track/6VtdWaBrPqG0NuxdjogzrM?si=kk3dKBFeQ56TEgiDMFtoBA
O church arise
O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder https://open.spotify.com/track/7Gb4Pfl2ispch2AG6s5DWg?si=XHMrt_EoS-mXhDxRylrnfQ
Praise is rising (Hosannah: https://open.spotify.com/track/76dFGEpqUNcOPIYdhxTR23?si=RsakCaBfSNa8POdF2lMlbg
See Jesus stripped of majesty (Tim Chester/Colin Webster/ Phil Moore)
Strength will rise: https://open.spotify.com/track/5spTRi2vTw0KxcIycqVTCl?si=fmhomt3vQfyczm0Qb0LWsw
The splendour of the king: https://open.spotify.com/track/2hFe1eW4tuEPQsoBwEZuSo?si=_Dkc_14LQoCMiwAsHykxcg
There is power in the blood (Hymn): https://open.spotify.com/track/3qPdzZuYyL4ZTg5f63c1EB?si=mMmZ8C6FRJy8t_cs1kqG7A
There is a redeemer
We have an anchor https://open.spotify.com/track/3CS2Xewt3bFOSvspVmqyiE?si=5Frp4gXPQ7K8q8i7vufeog
We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) https://open.spotify.com/track/5P5xR103n5mU4ZDZ1ON4Eb?si=01SawFR4TdqQtIarw62wTQ
What can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus (Hymn)
When the Word of God (Phil Moore/Tim Chester)
When I was lost you came and rescued me: https://open.spotify.com/track/0u7rGb6O3Fez9BD2jOeA4Q?si=1fA-3gIPT-CfT5LgS6jzUA
Who O Lord could save themselves https://open.spotify.com/track/45IaE4rA4pA8qooURkOKVu?si=RL2sxXqvQmyqzsd1jabbqA
You’re the word of God the Father:https://open.spotify.com/track/7G0gznou2qdAiTVCHs4OWa?si=Rvmh4wxORPiNT0PSEA_AHA
All creatures of our God and king (sov grace version):https://open.spotify.com/track/673vWJJ7UZC1twPDvrL9Tp?si=4YszHmf7SbKeDYPwV7qnJQ
Amazing Grace (Auld Lang Syne)https://youtu.be/BxsF6lArT-U
And can it be https://open.spotify.com/track/6x96WhZauAP5ldHghHYQyW?si=Hn1JtAETTLaimPZ_4Y01QA
Awake, Awake o Zion: https://open.spotify.com/track/6G673qEEf4DWPZVo05Cdac?si=hp9vpOYqQcmaD3FEEjKvNA
Be thou my vision: https://open.spotify.com/track/75EU1ZM8ay48KcfFXmJpGs?si=Kr7B7lppRcepqI00c8kruQ
Before the throne of God above: https://open.spotify.com/track/2MSvpoa39cMwFasCBBxIAr?si=N80InNJgRAGJUl9h7du_SQ
Behold our God: https://open.spotify.com/track/2QZano3GYBs5SW7YR9JHj5?si=f5jLtJouQOydqjfDSKF55w
Bless the Lord O my soul: https://open.spotify.com/track/1i5H5OPEndPwkqm8usADYZ?si=jaJFSQrCS92ZDhT6fldBqQ
By Faith – Getty: https://open.spotify.com/track/54cI1CFz7vNG21c6OOIiox?si=y8zEOK-UTTyq8ZFD909GvQ
Cornerstone (my hope is built on nothing less): https://open.spotify.com/track/3nXUFjAk35WqXjfG9GUTmf?si=CWhoJZ2qRiK7P8FDsZLYwg
Come behold the wondrous mystery: https://youtu.be/C-hD4VEoVQs
Come people of the risen kinghttps://open.spotify.com/track/1fwZy6G1NvLcZktPuvEZL0?si=gYkOK0PrQMSqxWnq_3ElEQ
Everyone needs compassion (saviour he can move the mountains)
Facing a task unfinished (we go to all the world): https://open.spotify.com/track/0731RgSp9DPofRfg62NBrh?si=07pJPSAYSDGUrhGE6-DWhg
Hear the call of the kingdom: https://open.spotify.com/track/498FgJAvq0G3AJdGax1vk7?si=Dh9n5MNURMGLsEqZCN0Fzg
His mercy is more: https://open.spotify.com/track/3wHhe15AWHafWDRUXIOJUp?si=VMLkn9yOSI-8l9nXAR2lUg
I will offer up my life
In Christ alone: https://open.spotify.com/track/6MHZeKB4fxmWEWwsQRbcLR?si=-ZQ0WkB5SyWdHxdA2WlYIw
Love divine all loves excelling (Hymn)
Man of sorrows: https://open.spotify.com/track/4IEsMBjh6M0kYH1Jx30ek6?si=6THZgdpkSz60xHskzwfXZA
May the peoples praise you: https://open.spotify.com/track/67N6wDjeDtPtI3RDAK37ON?si=RG7VxXd1QgOBmq2mVLFJnQ
My Jesus, my saviour
O great God of highest heaven:https://open.spotify.com/track/2niFVganBaGg0ZDvo1bjVs?si=lkd80QK5QKyXI1bsU7aRQw
Only a Holy God: https://open.spotify.com/track/6VtdWaBrPqG0NuxdjogzrM?si=kk3dKBFeQ56TEgiDMFtoBA
O church arise
O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder https://open.spotify.com/track/7Gb4Pfl2ispch2AG6s5DWg?si=XHMrt_EoS-mXhDxRylrnfQ
Praise is rising (Hosannah: https://open.spotify.com/track/76dFGEpqUNcOPIYdhxTR23?si=RsakCaBfSNa8POdF2lMlbg
See Jesus stripped of majesty (Tim Chester/Colin Webster/ Phil Moore)
Strength will rise: https://open.spotify.com/track/5spTRi2vTw0KxcIycqVTCl?si=fmhomt3vQfyczm0Qb0LWsw
The splendour of the king: https://open.spotify.com/track/2hFe1eW4tuEPQsoBwEZuSo?si=_Dkc_14LQoCMiwAsHykxcg
There is power in the blood (Hymn): https://open.spotify.com/track/3qPdzZuYyL4ZTg5f63c1EB?si=mMmZ8C6FRJy8t_cs1kqG7A
There is a redeemer
We have an anchor https://open.spotify.com/track/3CS2Xewt3bFOSvspVmqyiE?si=5Frp4gXPQ7K8q8i7vufeog
We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) https://open.spotify.com/track/5P5xR103n5mU4ZDZ1ON4Eb?si=01SawFR4TdqQtIarw62wTQ
What can wash away my sin Nothing but the blood of Jesus (Hymn)
When the Word of God (Phil Moore/Tim Chester)
When I was lost you came and rescued me: https://open.spotify.com/track/0u7rGb6O3Fez9BD2jOeA4Q?si=1fA-3gIPT-CfT5LgS6jzUA
Who O Lord could save themselves https://open.spotify.com/track/45IaE4rA4pA8qooURkOKVu?si=RL2sxXqvQmyqzsd1jabbqA
You’re the word of God the Father:https://open.spotify.com/track/7G0gznou2qdAiTVCHs4OWa?si=Rvmh4wxORPiNT0PSEA_AHA
Listen to a seminar on Investing in the Ministry of Music which Colin gave at the FIEC Leaders Conference in Torquay. Click here.
Keswick 2017 Update

We had an incredible time at Keswick this year, perhaps our best yet! The teaching from Alister Begg on the psalms was a particular highlight and I would encourage you to try and listen to those talks.
The response from the congregation was amazing! From 18 year olds to 80 year olds the warm compliments on how we led the sung worship and how people were being blessed by the songs was overwhelming. It is wonderful to contribute to the moment and the memory which one leaves in peoples hearts an minds from their experience of this fantastic convention. If we have been a blessing and pointed you to exalt the Lord, then that is our great joy. Thank you too for the warm comments about our remake of two old hymns Will your anchor hold (based on the famous Boys Brigade hymn, but with a new verse melody and new words for verse 2 &3). And also Now thank we all our God (which has a new punchy melody, reflecting our joyful thankfulness). As for the final evening celebration...well that was something special, they had to switch off the PA to get folks to leave! A wonderful end to a great week. Hope we get asked back again to serve you.
A number of folks have asked about the songs we sang at this years convention so pease find below a list of the songs used over the week, most of them are on Youtube, Spottily or iTunes, so you can refresh your memory as to how they went.
Songs used on Week 2 at Keswick Convention 2017
By Phil Moore and Colin Webster
D - Amazing grace (Auld Lang Syne)
E – All peoples that on earth do dwell
A- All heaven declares
G - And can it be (Hymn)
F- Beautiful saviour
C- Behold our God
Bb- By faith (Getty)
Bless the Lord O my soul (10,000 reasons)
D- Befriended
D- Before the throne of God above (Hymn)
E- Be though my vision (New intro)
C- Come people of the risen king
D- Crown him with many crowns (Hymn)
C- Cornerstone
C- Come though fount of every blessing (Hymn)
A or Bb- Come praise and glorify our God
A - Everyone needs compassion
C- Facing a task unfinished (Getty version)
F- From the highest of heights (Indescribable)
E – Here is love vast as the ocean
A- He will hold me fast (Modern Hymn)
D- Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty (Hymn)
F- Lion and the lamb (Bethel)
D- I will offer up my life
Ab- In Christ alone
G- Let your kingdom come (Sovereign Grace)
E- Light of the world (here I am to worship)
G -Love divine all loves excelling (Hymn)
D- May the peoples praise you
E – Now thank we all our God (Hymn remake)
C- O how good it is (Getty)
G – O come let us adore him
C- O great God of highest heaven (Sovereign grace)
D- O Church arise
A -O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
A- O Praise the name of the Lord our God (Hillsong)
G- Praise is rising (Hosannah)
E- Praise to the Lord the almighty the king of creation (Hymn)
C- Speak O Lord (Getty)
Bb- Strength will rise
G – To God be the glory
Eb- The Lords my shepherd
Bb- The splendour of the king
E- Thank you for saving me
F- There is a higher throne
Ab - There is power in the blood (Hymn)
Bb- We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) Hymn
E- We have an anchor (Hymn Remake)
G- When I survey – Celtic version (Hymn)
F- When I was lost
B- Who O Lord could save themselves
D- Your great love
D- You’re the word of God the Father
D-Your glorious cause O God
The response from the congregation was amazing! From 18 year olds to 80 year olds the warm compliments on how we led the sung worship and how people were being blessed by the songs was overwhelming. It is wonderful to contribute to the moment and the memory which one leaves in peoples hearts an minds from their experience of this fantastic convention. If we have been a blessing and pointed you to exalt the Lord, then that is our great joy. Thank you too for the warm comments about our remake of two old hymns Will your anchor hold (based on the famous Boys Brigade hymn, but with a new verse melody and new words for verse 2 &3). And also Now thank we all our God (which has a new punchy melody, reflecting our joyful thankfulness). As for the final evening celebration...well that was something special, they had to switch off the PA to get folks to leave! A wonderful end to a great week. Hope we get asked back again to serve you.
A number of folks have asked about the songs we sang at this years convention so pease find below a list of the songs used over the week, most of them are on Youtube, Spottily or iTunes, so you can refresh your memory as to how they went.
Songs used on Week 2 at Keswick Convention 2017
By Phil Moore and Colin Webster
D - Amazing grace (Auld Lang Syne)
E – All peoples that on earth do dwell
A- All heaven declares
G - And can it be (Hymn)
F- Beautiful saviour
C- Behold our God
Bb- By faith (Getty)
Bless the Lord O my soul (10,000 reasons)
D- Befriended
D- Before the throne of God above (Hymn)
E- Be though my vision (New intro)
C- Come people of the risen king
D- Crown him with many crowns (Hymn)
C- Cornerstone
C- Come though fount of every blessing (Hymn)
A or Bb- Come praise and glorify our God
A - Everyone needs compassion
C- Facing a task unfinished (Getty version)
F- From the highest of heights (Indescribable)
E – Here is love vast as the ocean
A- He will hold me fast (Modern Hymn)
D- Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty (Hymn)
F- Lion and the lamb (Bethel)
D- I will offer up my life
Ab- In Christ alone
G- Let your kingdom come (Sovereign Grace)
E- Light of the world (here I am to worship)
G -Love divine all loves excelling (Hymn)
D- May the peoples praise you
E – Now thank we all our God (Hymn remake)
C- O how good it is (Getty)
G – O come let us adore him
C- O great God of highest heaven (Sovereign grace)
D- O Church arise
A -O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
A- O Praise the name of the Lord our God (Hillsong)
G- Praise is rising (Hosannah)
E- Praise to the Lord the almighty the king of creation (Hymn)
C- Speak O Lord (Getty)
Bb- Strength will rise
G – To God be the glory
Eb- The Lords my shepherd
Bb- The splendour of the king
E- Thank you for saving me
F- There is a higher throne
Ab - There is power in the blood (Hymn)
Bb- We have heard a joyful sound (He saves) Hymn
E- We have an anchor (Hymn Remake)
G- When I survey – Celtic version (Hymn)
F- When I was lost
B- Who O Lord could save themselves
D- Your great love
D- You’re the word of God the Father
D-Your glorious cause O God
Midlands Mens Convention
We had an amazing time at the first ever Midlands Mens Convention held at Cornerstone Church in Nottingham
With superb speakers such as Marcus Nodder, Neil Powell and Jonty Allcock delivering the main addresses. Some practical and challenging stuff to take away and apply. Phil Moore led the sung worship times with around 400 men making a rousing and powerful sound as we sung praise to the Lord. One delegate said "The last time I heard so many men sing this loud - was at a football match!". Men, we need to sing louder at church! |
We have written a brand new song exclusively for the Keswick Convention Derwent Project as part of a lead sheet bundle.
Bundle includes lead sheets for
1. May the mind of Christ my saviour (Derwent Project song)
2. We have heard a joyful sound (He saves)
3. Be merciful
4. Sovereign Grace
Click below to hear samples of trax 2-4 on iTunes, alternatively listen on spotify
Bundle includes lead sheets for
1. May the mind of Christ my saviour (Derwent Project song)
2. We have heard a joyful sound (He saves)
3. Be merciful
4. Sovereign Grace
Click below to hear samples of trax 2-4 on iTunes, alternatively listen on spotify
Graham Kendrick |
Interesting video from Graham Kendrick on why some people aren't singing in church |
Read an article on the Keswick 2016 Live Worship Album
Click here for a list of the songs we used at Keswick 2016
Keswick 2014 song list
Hymns & Songs Used at Keswick Week 1 2014
Here is a list of hymns and songs which we used at this years Keswick Convention. We hope this is helpful to
pastors and worship leaders to introduce new songs (and indeed re-introduce some old hymns) that may not be in
your current pool of songs.
1. All hail the power of Jesus name
2. All creatures of our God and king (old hymn done in David Crowder style)
3. And can it be
4. Be Thou My Vision – hymn
5. Great is thy faithfulness
6. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty
7. I stand amazed in the presence
8. Love divine all loves excelling
9. I hear the saviour say (Jesus paid it all)
10. O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
11. We have heard a Joyful Sound – He Saves
12. What a friend we have in Jesus (O what a friend)
13. What can wash away my sins
14. Would you be free from your burden of sin (there is power in the blood)
1. All my days (beautiful savior)
2. Before the throne of God above
3. Blessed be your name
4. Bless the Lord O my soul 10,000 reasons
5. By Faith our fathers walked the earth
6. Come people of the risen king
7. Cornerstone
8. Everyone needs Compassion
9. From the highest of heights – indescribable
10. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
11. Here the call of the kingdom
12. Holy Father rich in mercy
13. In Christ alone
14. I will offer up my life
15. O great God of highest heaven
16. O Church arise and put your amour on
17. O the depth and the height of the riches of God
18. Speak O Lord as we come to you
19. Strength will rise – You are the everlasting God
20. The splendor of the king
21. There is a higher throne
22. There is a redeemer
23. The Mystery of the cross (Jesus thank you)
24. When I was lost you came and rescued me
25. Who O Lord could save themselves (you alone can rescue)
26. Who has held the oceans in his hands (Behold our God)
27. Who can know, the mind of our creator
28. You’re the word of God the Father
29. Your love is greater than (Your great love)
Here is a list of hymns and songs which we used at this years Keswick Convention. We hope this is helpful to
pastors and worship leaders to introduce new songs (and indeed re-introduce some old hymns) that may not be in
your current pool of songs.
1. All hail the power of Jesus name
2. All creatures of our God and king (old hymn done in David Crowder style)
3. And can it be
4. Be Thou My Vision – hymn
5. Great is thy faithfulness
6. Holy, Holy, Holy Lord God almighty
7. I stand amazed in the presence
8. Love divine all loves excelling
9. I hear the saviour say (Jesus paid it all)
10. O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
11. We have heard a Joyful Sound – He Saves
12. What a friend we have in Jesus (O what a friend)
13. What can wash away my sins
14. Would you be free from your burden of sin (there is power in the blood)
1. All my days (beautiful savior)
2. Before the throne of God above
3. Blessed be your name
4. Bless the Lord O my soul 10,000 reasons
5. By Faith our fathers walked the earth
6. Come people of the risen king
7. Cornerstone
8. Everyone needs Compassion
9. From the highest of heights – indescribable
10. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise
11. Here the call of the kingdom
12. Holy Father rich in mercy
13. In Christ alone
14. I will offer up my life
15. O great God of highest heaven
16. O Church arise and put your amour on
17. O the depth and the height of the riches of God
18. Speak O Lord as we come to you
19. Strength will rise – You are the everlasting God
20. The splendor of the king
21. There is a higher throne
22. There is a redeemer
23. The Mystery of the cross (Jesus thank you)
24. When I was lost you came and rescued me
25. Who O Lord could save themselves (you alone can rescue)
26. Who has held the oceans in his hands (Behold our God)
27. Who can know, the mind of our creator
28. You’re the word of God the Father
29. Your love is greater than (Your great love)

Word Alive in Prestatyn in North Wales was a very special time for us, despite the freezing cold weather (so much for global warming!). It was the first time we had the privilege of leading worship at the conference and we hope the opportunity to serve God’s people there arises again. Word Alive, like Keswick, places its central emphasis on God speaking to us through his written and expounded word. There was faithful preaching from 1Peter to encourage and uplift our hearts, given by, amongst others, the Rev Hugh Palmer of All Souls, John Stephens of the FIEC and Richard Cunningham of UCCF. The morning Bible readings, based around the passion narrative, were given by Christopher Ash, the director of the Cornhill Training Course.
One of the additional highlights of the week was an evening hearing about the work and ministry which Baroness Cox is involved with through the organisation HART, which seeks to bring encouragement to the persecuted church, as well as working for the spread of the gospel. There are so many lessons that we in the comfortable West can learn from our suffering brothers and sisters. It was a humbling evening, and one which inspired us all to engage with serious and persistent prayer for the persecuted church.
One of the phrases Baroness Cox used was this “We cannot do everything, but we must do something.”
During and since the conference, we have received encouraging messages and comments about the sensitivity and choice of songs used in each of the evening celebrations. This is something we work extremely hard on in our worship planning. We seek to prepare God’s people to hear God’s word, but also to help underline the essence of the message delivered, by choosing the right final song to capture the flavour of the message, so that nothing is lost in that final response song. Worship leaders should always engage with the scripture being preached and be in close communication with the preacher, in order to comprehend the speakers main points and especially how the speaker is being led to close his sermon. We need to be that musical support to the preacher, so that nothing is lost and everything is underlined from the preached word. This, I believe, is our God honouring duty of service.
Those of you who are worship leaders and pastors might like to know that Word Alive produce a recording of the best of the worship from the 2 weeks of the conference, so if you are interested in accessing fresh songs to bring to your fellowship, then visit the Word Alive website www.newwordalive.org, You might like to think about bringing a church party with you to next year’s conference - there are some great speakers lined up!
One of the additional highlights of the week was an evening hearing about the work and ministry which Baroness Cox is involved with through the organisation HART, which seeks to bring encouragement to the persecuted church, as well as working for the spread of the gospel. There are so many lessons that we in the comfortable West can learn from our suffering brothers and sisters. It was a humbling evening, and one which inspired us all to engage with serious and persistent prayer for the persecuted church.
One of the phrases Baroness Cox used was this “We cannot do everything, but we must do something.”
During and since the conference, we have received encouraging messages and comments about the sensitivity and choice of songs used in each of the evening celebrations. This is something we work extremely hard on in our worship planning. We seek to prepare God’s people to hear God’s word, but also to help underline the essence of the message delivered, by choosing the right final song to capture the flavour of the message, so that nothing is lost in that final response song. Worship leaders should always engage with the scripture being preached and be in close communication with the preacher, in order to comprehend the speakers main points and especially how the speaker is being led to close his sermon. We need to be that musical support to the preacher, so that nothing is lost and everything is underlined from the preached word. This, I believe, is our God honouring duty of service.
Those of you who are worship leaders and pastors might like to know that Word Alive produce a recording of the best of the worship from the 2 weeks of the conference, so if you are interested in accessing fresh songs to bring to your fellowship, then visit the Word Alive website www.newwordalive.org, You might like to think about bringing a church party with you to next year’s conference - there are some great speakers lined up!
Cornerstone Hymnal Vol. 2
We released our second Cornerstone Hymnal Worship CD Volume 2 which contains a mixture of full band as well as paired back songs with just Phil singing with the piano. The album features anthemic and powerful songs such as 'Victorious', a beautiful new melody to the hymn 'Who is Jesus friend of sinners' (a personal favourite of mine as Phil sings and plays with such emotion). And there is a very cheerful and upbeat folky song called 'All my soul to God I raise' as well as a recording of the much loved 'Rock of Ages'.
This is a CD with 12 fantastic congregational songs which is sure to have something that will appeal to a wide audience. The album covers such diverse themes such as the cross, God's sovereignty, the riches in Christ to name but a few. We believe pastors and worship leaders in particular will appreciate having these songs at their disposal to aid their congregational worship.
In order to resource the wider church we are providing free copies of our manuscript music for some of the songs, on our website www.cornerstoneworship.co.uk so please spread the word around to bless others!
Colin Webster
This is a CD with 12 fantastic congregational songs which is sure to have something that will appeal to a wide audience. The album covers such diverse themes such as the cross, God's sovereignty, the riches in Christ to name but a few. We believe pastors and worship leaders in particular will appreciate having these songs at their disposal to aid their congregational worship.
In order to resource the wider church we are providing free copies of our manuscript music for some of the songs, on our website www.cornerstoneworship.co.uk so please spread the word around to bless others!
Colin Webster
Keswick 2012
New Keswick Live Worship Album

Featuring five songs from Cornerstone!! Once again we had the privilege of serving in the worship team at Week 2 of the Keswick Convention. The weather was glorious and the teaching as excellent as ever. Highlights for me were the Bible Overview from Chris Wright in the mornings as well as evening teaching from Steve Brady, Derek Burnside and Krish Kandiah who are all gifted communicators (well worth downloading any of these talks). It was great catching up with some old friends from Moorlands Bible College who attended the convention as guests.
We gelled so well as a band this year and the whole experience was far less pressurised as a result. The congregation too responded so well to the songs and we had particularly encouraging comments on some of the new and revived hymns which Phil and I have been working on in order to tie into the convention theme of mission.
It was thrilling to see that five of the songs which we have written and revived appear on this years live worship album. The songs sound fantastic and especially on We Have Heard A Joyful Sound (He saves) the full force of 3,500 strong congregation can be heard singing with great enthusiasm the anthemic chorus. My personal favourite is Phil’s beautiful new tune to the old hymn Be Merciful. The words could not have been better for the convention theme and I hope this little known hymn might have a new lease of life as a result.
You can purchase the CD from Essential Christian (why not leave a comment)
Or download it from Itunes here
We gelled so well as a band this year and the whole experience was far less pressurised as a result. The congregation too responded so well to the songs and we had particularly encouraging comments on some of the new and revived hymns which Phil and I have been working on in order to tie into the convention theme of mission.
It was thrilling to see that five of the songs which we have written and revived appear on this years live worship album. The songs sound fantastic and especially on We Have Heard A Joyful Sound (He saves) the full force of 3,500 strong congregation can be heard singing with great enthusiasm the anthemic chorus. My personal favourite is Phil’s beautiful new tune to the old hymn Be Merciful. The words could not have been better for the convention theme and I hope this little known hymn might have a new lease of life as a result.
You can purchase the CD from Essential Christian (why not leave a comment)
Or download it from Itunes here
Free Digibook pdf
A free pdf digibook of the CD sleeve artwork is now available to download for free.

Digibook (CD sleeve artwork) | |
File Size: | 11707 kb |
File Type: |
Reflections on Keswick 2011 and a new Song !!!!!!
Dear friends
We have recently returned from an excellent week of teaching and praising God at the Keswick Convention week 2. Our time together was filled with great blessing and encouragement in the exposition of the Bible in the mornings by Chris Wright as well as inspirational preaching in the evening celebrations. It was during our week there that we heard of the death of Dr John Stott, that great and godly teacher of the Bible who’s ministry has inspired so many over the years. He will especially be missed by pastors and teachers who have benefited greatly from his wisdom and insight through his many commentaries and books. Dr Stott has left a huge legacy behind him and he will be greatly missed by all.
I speak for all of the week 2 band when I say that we have been overwhelmed by the warm and encouraging comments which people gave to each of us during the conference itself over the sensitive way we led folks in praise and adoration of our God. These comments have continued to be sent to us through the emails and cards sent to the Cornerstone church office in Nottingham, as well as through our website www.cornerstoneworship.co.uk
We want to say how thrilled and encouraged we were as a band to have been asked to lead worship at Keswick 2011 and we would gladly love to be able to serve the Lord and his people again in this capacity if asked. Keswick has always held a special place in my heart, so it is a joy and a delight to be able to return to such a beautiful part of the country and to worship with so many who hold the highest regard for God’s word, Gods message, God’s purposes and God’s people.
Thank you to all of those who bought a copy of our fundraising CD at the convention and to those who have downloaded the CD from the internet from as far afield as America and New Zealand. We are delighted that the songs were so warmly received at Keswick. They certainly complimented the mission emphasis of this year’s convention of Word to the World.
Included in this month’s message is a manuscript copy of the song “I will say my God is Glorious” from our first CD, which Phil and I wrote together. It goes through the life of Christ with an emphasis on the greatest miracle of all that Christ took our sin on the cross and rose for my justification and this is the greatest thing we must boast about. The climactic chorus has that powerful melody which soars like an anthem of glory and a crescendo of praise to God.
I will say my God is glorious
The Christ who died for me
I will say my God is glorious
The Lamb of Calvary
He bore my guilt, my condemnnation
Hidden in Christ, my sin is gone
I will say my God is glorious
The Lamb upon the throne
This is a song where we are absolutely blown over by God and we seek to boast only in what Christ has graciously done for us. It would be a great song at the end of a communion service or where the death and resurrection of Jesus are the focus of a message. We trust that it will be well received by your churches as you seek to teach it to your congregations.
Please do pass on our website details to as many people you feel comfortable telling as we are keen to resource today’s church with fresh songs for today’s church that retains rich theology.
May God richly bless and encourage you this day.
Colin Webster
We have recently returned from an excellent week of teaching and praising God at the Keswick Convention week 2. Our time together was filled with great blessing and encouragement in the exposition of the Bible in the mornings by Chris Wright as well as inspirational preaching in the evening celebrations. It was during our week there that we heard of the death of Dr John Stott, that great and godly teacher of the Bible who’s ministry has inspired so many over the years. He will especially be missed by pastors and teachers who have benefited greatly from his wisdom and insight through his many commentaries and books. Dr Stott has left a huge legacy behind him and he will be greatly missed by all.
I speak for all of the week 2 band when I say that we have been overwhelmed by the warm and encouraging comments which people gave to each of us during the conference itself over the sensitive way we led folks in praise and adoration of our God. These comments have continued to be sent to us through the emails and cards sent to the Cornerstone church office in Nottingham, as well as through our website www.cornerstoneworship.co.uk
We want to say how thrilled and encouraged we were as a band to have been asked to lead worship at Keswick 2011 and we would gladly love to be able to serve the Lord and his people again in this capacity if asked. Keswick has always held a special place in my heart, so it is a joy and a delight to be able to return to such a beautiful part of the country and to worship with so many who hold the highest regard for God’s word, Gods message, God’s purposes and God’s people.
Thank you to all of those who bought a copy of our fundraising CD at the convention and to those who have downloaded the CD from the internet from as far afield as America and New Zealand. We are delighted that the songs were so warmly received at Keswick. They certainly complimented the mission emphasis of this year’s convention of Word to the World.
Included in this month’s message is a manuscript copy of the song “I will say my God is Glorious” from our first CD, which Phil and I wrote together. It goes through the life of Christ with an emphasis on the greatest miracle of all that Christ took our sin on the cross and rose for my justification and this is the greatest thing we must boast about. The climactic chorus has that powerful melody which soars like an anthem of glory and a crescendo of praise to God.
I will say my God is glorious
The Christ who died for me
I will say my God is glorious
The Lamb of Calvary
He bore my guilt, my condemnnation
Hidden in Christ, my sin is gone
I will say my God is glorious
The Lamb upon the throne
This is a song where we are absolutely blown over by God and we seek to boast only in what Christ has graciously done for us. It would be a great song at the end of a communion service or where the death and resurrection of Jesus are the focus of a message. We trust that it will be well received by your churches as you seek to teach it to your congregations.
Please do pass on our website details to as many people you feel comfortable telling as we are keen to resource today’s church with fresh songs for today’s church that retains rich theology.
May God richly bless and encourage you this day.
Colin Webster