How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus (O Praise The Name)
Verse 1
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear
It soothes his sorrows heals his wounds
And drives away his fear
It makes the wounded spirit whole
And calms the troubled breast
'Tis manna to the hungry soul
And to the weary rest
O praise the name of Jesus
The name high over all
The highest heaven cannot contain
Its greatness and its power
Verse 2
Dear Name the rock on which I build
My shield and hiding place
My never failing treasury filled
With boundless stores of grace
Jesus my Shepherd Brother Friend
My Prophet Priest and King
My Lord my Life my Way my End
Accept the praise I bring
Verse 3
Weak is the effort of my heart
And cold my warmest thought
But when I see you face to face
I'll praise you as I ought
Till then I would your love proclaim
With every fleeting breath
And may the music of your name
Refresh my soul in death
CCLI Song # 7069234
Alexander Robert Reinagle | Colin Webster | John Newton | Phil Moore
© 2016 Colin Webster Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
How Sweet The Name Of Jesus (O Praise The Name)
Verse 1
How sweet the name of Jesus sounds
In a believer's ear
It soothes his sorrows heals his wounds
And drives away his fear
It makes the wounded spirit whole
And calms the troubled breast
'Tis manna to the hungry soul
And to the weary rest
O praise the name of Jesus
The name high over all
The highest heaven cannot contain
Its greatness and its power
Verse 2
Dear Name the rock on which I build
My shield and hiding place
My never failing treasury filled
With boundless stores of grace
Jesus my Shepherd Brother Friend
My Prophet Priest and King
My Lord my Life my Way my End
Accept the praise I bring
Verse 3
Weak is the effort of my heart
And cold my warmest thought
But when I see you face to face
I'll praise you as I ought
Till then I would your love proclaim
With every fleeting breath
And may the music of your name
Refresh my soul in death
CCLI Song # 7069234
Alexander Robert Reinagle | Colin Webster | John Newton | Phil Moore
© 2016 Colin Webster Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions