How great thou art
Verse 1
O Lord my God when I in awesome wonder
Consider all the works Thy hand hath made
I see the stars I hear the mighty thunder
Thy pow'r throughout the universe displayed
Then sings my soul my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art how great Thou art
Then sings my soul my Saviour God to Thee
How great Thou art how great Thou art
Verse 2
When through the woods and forest glades I wander
And hear the birds sing sweetly in the trees
When I look down from lofty mountain grandeur
And hear the brook and feel the gentle breeze
Verse 3
And when I think that God His Son not sparing
Sent Him to die I scarce can take it in
That on the Cross my burden gladly bearing
He bled and died to take away my sin
Verse 4
When Christ shall come with shout of acclamation
And take me home what joy shall fill my heart
Then shall I bow in humble adoration
And there proclaim my God how great Thou art
CCLI Song # 14181
Stuart Wesley Keene Hine
© Copyright 1949 and 1953 Stuart Hine Trust CIO Stuart K. Hine Trust (Admin. by Integrity Music)
I stand amazed in the presence
Verse 1
I stand amazed in the presence
Of Jesus the Nazarene
And wonder how He could love me
A sinner condemned unclean
How marvelous how wonderful
And my song shall ever be
How marvelous how wonderful
Is my Savior's love for me
Verse 2
He took my sins and my sorrows
He made them His very own
(And) He bore the burden to Calvary
And suffered and died alone
Verse 3
And with the ransomed in glory
His face I at last shall see
It will be my joy through the ages
To sing of His love for me
CCLI Song # 4674207
Charles Hutchinson Gabriel
When the Word of God
Verse 1
When the word of God was first heard on earth
Each hill and dale with love was drawn
And the darkness fled, the chaos dispersed
From the emptiness all life was born
Verse 2
When the word of God to the prophets came
The Spirit breathed through every page
So each word and phrase now carries Christ’s name
And his glory shines from age to age
Come let us hear your precious voice
And send us out with hearts rejoicing
All who have ears come let us hear
How great how great is our God
Verse 3
When the Word of God in the cradle lay
God’s love was clothed in human flesh
The eternal Word through whom all was made
Came into his world and took a breath
Verse 4
When the Word of God made this world his home
He calmed the storms and stilled the waves
Melted hearts that once had been made of stone
Spoke with words of life and emptied graves
Verse 5
As the word of God comes to us today
May emptiness be turned to praise
May our darkest fears be driven away
As our glorious Saviour fills our gaze
CCLI Song # 7117665
Philip Moore | Tim Chester
© 2018 Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Tim Chester Publishing (Admin. by Song Solutions
We have a Lamb
Verse 1
For mistakes we can’t forget
And the sins that still beset
We have a Lamb
We have a Lamb
For our fraught and anxious realm
For the fears that overwhelm
We have a throne
We have a throne
We sing worthy worthy is the Lamb
Who was slain for the world
Royal arms unfurled
We sing glory glory to the Christ
Your cross our Fountain of Life
Verse 2
For our lost and lonely hearts
For our gnarled and tangled paths
We have a Shepherd
We have a Shepherd
For our dry and listless souls
And our thirst for being whole
We have a stream
We have a stream
Verse 3
For regret and ravaged years
For all sweet and bitter tears
We have a Father
We have a Father
For our treks through burning sands
To our home in promised lands
This hope till all is done
Our God the Three in One
CCLI Song # 7154491
Glen Scrivener | Phil Moore
© 2020 Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
See Jesus stripped of Majesty
Verse 1
See Jesus stripped of majesty
He hangs disfigured on a tree
A man of grief by men betrayed
Like one from whom we turn away
Led like a lamb without a sound
In mockery with violence crowned
A sacrificial offering
Atoning for his people’s sin
Chorus 1
O what amazing love
I bow before the cross
My pride reduced to dust
What amazing love
It overwhelms my soul
My broken life made whole
Verse 2
See Jesus cold within the grave
Cut off from life our lives to save
We thought that God had punished him
But he was pierced for Adam’s sin
Though we like sheep have often strayed
Our waywardness on Christ was laid
To heal our wounds he drew our pain
To bring us peace he bore our shame
Verse 3
See Jesus once again draw breath
And rise to claim the spoils of death
He sees the light of life again
And hears his ransomed people sing
Chorus 2
O what amazing love
Forever I will praise
The glories of your grace
What amazing love
I offer up my life
A grateful sacrifice
For your amazing love
Your amazing love
CCLI Song # 7117664
Colin Webster | Philip Moore | Tim Chester
© 2018 Colin Webster Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Tim Chester Publishing (Admin. by Song Solutions
A fountain from the crucified
Tim Chester, Glen Scrivener, Phil Moore
1. A fountain from the Crucified
cascades from heaven above,
fills empty hearts and overflows,
with songs of conquering love.
2. The precious words of life we bear
have borne us on the tide.
And now we speak the endless love
that springs from Jesus’ side.
Come, come to the waters that never will run dry.
Come, come to the waters that truly satisfy.
3. To barren lands the river runs,
where barren hearts dig wells,
and empty souls drain empty souls
to satisfy themselves.
4. Yet Jesus came with this resolve:
in death and dust to sink;
to bear our thirst and spill his life,
that all may come and drink.
Come, come to the waters that never will run dry.
Come, come to the waters that truly satisfy.
5. From fullness we expend ourselves
yet find we are renewed.
To give is to be satisfied;
to love becomes our food.
6. Look up and see with open eyes:
the harvest fields are white.
With gladness sow, with gladness reap,
as Jesus gives new life.
When I survey the wondrous cross
Verse 1
When I survey the wondrous cross
On which the Prince of glory died
My richest gain I count but loss
And pour contempt on all my pride
Verse 2
Forbid it Lord that I should boast
Save in the death of Christ my God
All the vain things that charm me most
I sacrifice them to His blood
Verse 3
See from His head His hands His feet
Sorrow and love flow mingled down
Did ever such love and sorrow meet
Or thorns compose so rich a crown
Verse 4
Were the whole realm of nature mine
That were an offering far too small
Love so amazing so divine
Demands my soul my life my all
CCLI Song # 3296590
Isaac Watts
Public Domain
O How great are the blessings
Verse 1
O How great are the blessings you have given
Glistening like diamonds in the ashes
A million million mercies God has poured into
Our lives
You are good so good
Through the trial Through the storm
Joy or sorrow fear or scorn
Reaching out Your everlasting arm
With grace You shower us with grace
Verse 2
In the midst of the darkness we will sing
Remembering the Light which you have given
Illuminate our path and lead us on in your delight
For you are kind to us
In every valley
Through every storm
The Rock of Ages stands secure
Our God is faithful
He never fails us
His will and purpose will endure
CCLI Song # 7133131
Phil Moore
© 2019 Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Christ the Lord is risen today
Arr. Phil Moore & Colin Webster
Christ the Lord is risen today Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Sons of men and angels say Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Raise your joys and triumphs high Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Sing ye heav’ns and earth reply Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Lives again our glorious King Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Where, O death, is now thy sting? Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Once he died our souls to save Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Where thy victory, O grave? Al-----le-----lu------ia!
O praise the dawning of that day
When sin and death were rolled away
As Christ emerges from the grave
The risen Son of God
Soar we now where Christ has led Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Following our exalted Head Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Made like him, like him we rise Al-----le-----lu------ia!
Ours the cross, the grave, the skies Al-----le-----lu------ia!
O praise the dawning of that day
When sin and death were rolled away
As Christ emerges from the grave
The risen Son of God
(Repeat Chorus)
We have an anchor
Verse 1
Will your anchor hold in the storms of life
When the clouds unfold their wings of strife
When the strong tides lift and the cables strain
Will your anchor drift or firm remain
We have an anchor that keeps the soul
Steadfast and sure while the billows roll
Fastened to the Rock which cannot move
Grounded firm and deep in the Saviour's love
Verse 2
Held secure by faith in the Saviour's hands
Shielded by His grace on Christ we stand
He is Lord of all we should never doubt
Through uncertain times He is solid ground
Verse 3
You have carried us through the raging sea
In the fire and flood we stand redeemed
Through the storms of life you will not let go
This our confidence that our anchor holds
CCLI Song # 7096780
Colin Webster | Phil Moore | Priscilla J. Owens | William James Kirkpatrick
© 2017 Colin Webster Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
Phil Moore Songs (Admin. by Song Solutions
There is power in the blood
Verse 1
Would you be free
From your burden of sin
There's power in the blood
Power in the blood
Would you o'er evil a victory win
There's wonderful power in the blood
There is power power
Wonder working power
In the blood of the Lamb
There is power power
Wonder working power
In the precious blood of the Lamb
Verse 2
Would you be free
From your passion and pride
There's power in the blood
Power in the blood
Come for a cleansing
To Calvary's tide
There's wonderful power in the blood
Verse 3
Would you be whiter
Much whiter than snow
There's power in the blood
Power in the blood
Sin stains are lost
In its life giving flow
There's wonderful power in the blood
Verse 4
Would you do service
For Jesus your King
There's power in the blood
Power in the blood
Would you live daily
His praises to sing
There's wonderful power in the blood
CCLI Song # 21370
Lewis Ellis Jones
© Words: Public Domain