Amazing love (I fall down on my knees)
Amazing Love (I Fall Down On My Knees)
Verse 1
Amazing love how can it be
That you my God would die for me
That you would leave your throne above
To bleed for us amazing love
Verse 2
No trace of good you found in me
That you should die upon that tree
Your blood was shed by grace alone
By mercy deep by love unknown
Chorus 1
I fall down on my knees
At this great Mystery
That Christ should die for me
What grace what hope what love
Verse 3
O broken Lamb what love is this
That held you there in agony
To bear all my unrighteousness
and pay the price to set me free
Verse 4
Oh Jesus where could I begin
To count the debt this heart would owe
But simply to your cross I cling
I give my heart my life my all
Chorus 2
I bow before your cross
Its pow’r so glorious
Surrender all because
You gave your all for me
CCLI Song # 7141526
Ben Slee | Colin Webster
© 2019 Ben Slee Music; Colin Webster Songs
Verse 1
Amazing love how can it be
That you my God would die for me
That you would leave your throne above
To bleed for us amazing love
Verse 2
No trace of good you found in me
That you should die upon that tree
Your blood was shed by grace alone
By mercy deep by love unknown
Chorus 1
I fall down on my knees
At this great Mystery
That Christ should die for me
What grace what hope what love
Verse 3
O broken Lamb what love is this
That held you there in agony
To bear all my unrighteousness
and pay the price to set me free
Verse 4
Oh Jesus where could I begin
To count the debt this heart would owe
But simply to your cross I cling
I give my heart my life my all
Chorus 2
I bow before your cross
Its pow’r so glorious
Surrender all because
You gave your all for me
CCLI Song # 7141526
Ben Slee | Colin Webster
© 2019 Ben Slee Music; Colin Webster Songs