Sing with me
Sing with me
Sing with me the song of salvation
How Christ the King gave his life for us
Our ransom paid our debt is forgiven
He buried our sin in an ocean of grace
Verse 1
This I know my God is for me
Gave for me his only Son
He who left His throne to find me
Shed his blood made me his own
Jesus pierced my darkness
Raised me up to life
This I know my God has saved me
Glory his and mercy mine
Sing with me the song of salvation
How Christ the King gave his life for us
Our ransom paid our debt is forgiven
He buried our sin in an ocean of grace
Verse 2
This I know the tomb was empty
Shroud of death was flung aside
Jesus broke the curse that bound me
Death is dead Christ is alive
Risen and ascended
Hailed as heavens Lord
This I know that at his coming
All in him shall be restored
Sing with me the song of salvation
How Christ the King gave his life for us
Our ransom paid our debt is forgiven
He buried our sin in an ocean of grace
CCLI Song # 7194096
Colin Webster | Gareth Loh | Heather Cowan | Matt Dennis | Sam Brewster | Tim Chester
© Colin Webster Songs;; Sam Brewster © 2022 Joyful Noise Music Ltd; Chester Publishing;
Matt Dennis; Gareth Loh
Sing with me the song of salvation
How Christ the King gave his life for us
Our ransom paid our debt is forgiven
He buried our sin in an ocean of grace
Verse 1
This I know my God is for me
Gave for me his only Son
He who left His throne to find me
Shed his blood made me his own
Jesus pierced my darkness
Raised me up to life
This I know my God has saved me
Glory his and mercy mine
Sing with me the song of salvation
How Christ the King gave his life for us
Our ransom paid our debt is forgiven
He buried our sin in an ocean of grace
Verse 2
This I know the tomb was empty
Shroud of death was flung aside
Jesus broke the curse that bound me
Death is dead Christ is alive
Risen and ascended
Hailed as heavens Lord
This I know that at his coming
All in him shall be restored
Sing with me the song of salvation
How Christ the King gave his life for us
Our ransom paid our debt is forgiven
He buried our sin in an ocean of grace
CCLI Song # 7194096
Colin Webster | Gareth Loh | Heather Cowan | Matt Dennis | Sam Brewster | Tim Chester
© Colin Webster Songs;; Sam Brewster © 2022 Joyful Noise Music Ltd; Chester Publishing;
Matt Dennis; Gareth Loh